Saturday, August 26, 2006

Circus Day is finally here!!!!
Isaac even go to see the
"elfalent" before the show!

We bought the
ridiculously expensive
program just to bring
you this picture!

This sure is cool...but
is there a break for a
nap anytime soon???

Thursday, August 24, 2006

O.K. These two are nuts. They were playing with the blankets and could hardly lay still long enough to PRETEND to be asleep, as you can tell by the grins on their faces. You should have seen Isaac when I picked him up from school with Emma and Garrett in tow!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Emma came over the other day and played with Isaac. The little monkeys were all over the house so I took them outside and let them play in the sprinkler. They had a great time, but would not stand still together long enough for me to take a picture! What a couple of silly kids! Emma and Garrett are coming over again tomm. to play. I am sure that t will be another crazy day!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Isaac started school on Monday. What a day! I only cried about half way to school. As you can tell by the picture, he was ready to go! We had to remind him to come back and give Mommy and Daddy hugs! His teachers said that he did great. He did cry for us at naptime, but was sound asleep when I picked him up...he did raise his head up enough to make sure that I got his backpack. He agreed that he would like to go back on Wednesday so I guess that means it's a go!