Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Emma came over the other day and played with Isaac. The little monkeys were all over the house so I took them outside and let them play in the sprinkler. They had a great time, but would not stand still together long enough for me to take a picture! What a couple of silly kids! Emma and Garrett are coming over again tomm. to play. I am sure that t will be another crazy day!


MartiMichelle said...

so why don't you post picts of my kids too? I post picts of your kid! rudeness! :) If the kids get crazy again put them on the dog run outside and throw water at 'em every once ina ahwile to cool them off!

KellieAnn said...

because she wouldn't stand still long enough to get a picture! Every time I took one that day she moved! I have several of the back of her head and one of her tummy! Maybe I'll get some today!